The levels of consumption of animal-derived food products in the most advanced societies have currently reached the threshold of NON-sustainability for both the planet and for human health.
Our products are born from the desire to respect the environment and all animals, safeguarding human health and giving them the possibility to enjoy culinary delights.
“Living in harmony with what nature thought was best for us” embodies the thought that led us to the realization of projects that are close to our personal motivations and lifestyles.
We are two artisan companies working in the field of organic and alternative food production, based in the provinces of Treviso and Vicenza, between Asolo and the Lessinia Park. Our companies are oriented towards a philosophy that is more and more respectful of the environment and animals, aimed at safeguarding human health while giving the possibility to fully enjoy good tasty food.
Moreover we are all perfectly aware that compassion and empathy towards other creatures can only improve our spirit and, at the same time, our health too.
The ethical and vegan cuisine is increasingly being appreciated for its lightness and creativity.
The “Food Pyramid of the World Health Organization” recommends first cereals and then vegetables and fruits at the base of our diet, giving animal foods, refined sugars and fats an increasingly marginal role.
MozzaRisella is the first of many other products we have in our range, always selecting high quality while respecting nature.

Intolerance to lactose and other substances is a problem that affects 70% of the world population and sees an exponential increase of intolerant individuals depending on age and geographical area: the absence of allergens makes our products suitable for everyone , especially for those who are lactose and gluten intolerant.
Brown rice includes many nutritional components, such as: carbohydrates, proteins, dietary fibers, vitamins, mineral salts, amino acids such as γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and particular phenolic compounds, such as ferulic acid esters and phytosterols (γ-oryzanol ). These phenolics are antioxidants, antimutagens, and seem to play an important role in maintaining health.
On top of this, since our products are of 100% vegetable origin, they do not contribute to deforestation, to the reckless consumption of water and to the killing of other living beings; in other words, they also generate health for the planet that hosts us!
It is in fact now proven * that the breeding of livestock for food is responsible for:
- 51% of greenhouse gas emissions;
- 91% of Amazon deforestation;
- Extinction of 100 animal species a day;
- Water pollution;
- Use of 50% of the cereals produced in the world for livestock feeding.
On the other hand, the consumption of plant-based food compared to the consumption of food of animal origin, requires a 16 times lower land use, 13 times less water use, 11 times less oil use and CO2 emissions production lower than 50%.
There is therefore more than one good reason to approach a plant-based diet!
*Source: www.cowspiracy.com
Health is built at table, as the food we eat is the basis of our well-being.
Doctors and scholars increasingly recommend a well-balanced plant-based diet which, if followed correctly and by choosing high-quality foods, is absolutely able to provide all the proteins, minerals and vitamins necessary for good health.
Numerous studies confirm that the high consumption of animal proteins increases the risk of developing tumors, diabetes and heart problems. The oncologist Franco Berrino (Ist. Dei Tumori of Milan) argues that most of the visceral dysfunctions are based on errors in nutrition and little movement. The recommendation of the world of scientific research is to base daily nutrition on foods of a predominantly plant-based nature that are not industrially refined.
This kind of nutrition, if well planned and studied, can be followed by individuals in all stages of their life cycle, including pregnancy, breast feeding, childhood and adolescence, and for professional sportsmen as well.
“The benefits produced by eating a plant-based diet are far more diverse and impressive than any drug or surgery used in medical practice..”
T. Colin Campbell, The China Study, 2005